Friday, 4 October 2013


I started making a warp for blankets this summer. I'm planning to make 3 and have hen approximately 60" x 90". 

This morning, instead of working on school work, I decided that I needed to make some progress on the blankets. So I spent about 6 hours finishing the threading, sleighing the reed and tying on. Then I was able to start weaving!

I probably completely about double this amount. But I need to start thinking about whether I have enough of my weft yarn or if I have to alternate the brown with something else.


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Weaving with tencel

 I'm about one month in to school. Already finished a few weaving projects. The latest one is my first 8 harness weaving ever. I did a gamp (a type of sampler) made with tencel. It's off the loom now, but not quite finished. So here's a picture of it in progress.

This gamp has a variety of twill structures. There are so many more options when you have 8 harnesses. Worst part was having to change the treadle tie up. I don't think the loom had even cleaned in awhile. My dust allergies were out in full force.